The Concept of Universal Language:
An Investigation across discourses and media



A language that can transmit one’s thoughts and feelings in their purest forms has its trace in different realms such as religion, philosophy, science, psychology, etc. throughout human history. This thesis investigates some of the established concepts and discussions in these realms to propose a vision towards the realization of this hypothetical language. It is not the orientation for this thesis to study all aspects of such language. Instead, it only picks certain aspects to form one of the possible narratives concerning its proposal. The wish to realize such language, the theoretical capacity of it, the technology that may enable it, and the possible ways to acquire it, are merely handpicked evidence found in a purposeful search. In other words, this thesis proves nothing but rather proposes a plausible driving force behind many concepts and events. It is to create/revive this universal language and the dream towards a world that has it.

Keywords: Tower of Babel, The Language Games, Mentalese, Techno-Utopia, Brain-Computer Interface, Personal Computer

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